Becoming My Own Masterpiece: Crafting the Story of The Ultimate Blueprint!

Imitation seems to be everywhere I look now. There are so many online videos telling you how to structure your side hustle this way and that way in order to reach success. It’s like, “Hey, follow my guide and you can quit your 9 to 5 tomorrow.” Their video title says something like this, “Let me show you how I went from working 60 hour weeks at my 9 to 5, to starting my side hustle and building it to $100,000 a month!” Well I’m here to tell you, that is NOT my story.  As a matter of fact, after many attempts of “The way everyone online has said to do it,” I give up. I’m not giving up in the sense of never trying again, but I give up on following the pattern of what worked for the norm. In this article, I will tell you how I became the blueprint by crafting my own unique story. I was the missing piece to my own puzzle. So, let’s dive right in.

Once upon a time in a castle far away, there lived………wait wait wait…. Scratch that!! Here’s how it really went….

After tapping into my inner self, I finally realized MY WHY and MY PASSION. So, what is my why? My why is that I want total freedom and flexibility. I want to be able to sleep in until 12 noon on a Monday if I want to and then book a trip to fly out to Japan by Friday. Because, why not?  Taking the steps to create the life I desire is completely up to me.

By being honest with myself about what I truly want, I eliminate the self limiting beliefs that once lived in my mind. I don’t want what everyone else wants. I have my own dreams. My own goals. My own desires. I know what I will and will not accept. That includes me only accepting what will help me build the lifestyle I desire. I don’t want to just go through the motions and accept “the norm.”  If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself settling for a life filled with days where you feel completely empty inside because you’ve convinced yourself that this career “ will do” because it pays the bills, or this relationship “will do” because at least you’re not alone.

Let me tell you from experience, metaphorically, I’d rather be alone in my 500 square foot tiny home with my pet goldfish named Max, than to be living a miserable life because I’m doing what others tell me I need to do. So why not build the brand of you?

Build the Brand of You

My story is one of resilience and embracing my authenticity. Winning is not just some goal. Winning is a part of my DNA. Growing up, I was always the unorthodox one in my family to do things differently compared to everyone else. I love following my heart and unknowingly creating my own trends. This venturing off the trail has helped me to blaze a path of greatness that I didn’t realize until years later was what was happening. It was “unintentionally on purpose.” That’s a good way to describe it. By staying true to my own unique path instead of imitating those before me, I have been able to maintain my individuality.

The Blueprint Within

My journey to resilience really started back in 2001. When I suddenly found myself raising my then eighteen month old son alone, I had to figure out fast what was needed for us to survive. I was suddenly single after going through one of the hardest things I’d ever had to face. My then husband had a baby on the way with someone else and she was eight months pregnant. Talk about a big shock. I can’t put into words how I felt. I’ll have to dive deeper into that story later. But needless to say, it almost killed me. But the blueprint already in me, that I didn’t understand then, allowed me to keep pushing.

I pushed past the tears. I pushed pass the years. I won and I failed, but I never gave up. Now here I am twenty-two years later, finally understanding my assignment and building my dream business. I don’t know how long it will take to get it all pulled together, but I trust the process. I am the blueprint. I am the brand. My story is unique and all the hurt I experienced pushed me into my passion that has now unlocked and is being released.

The Stepping Stones to Success

As I craft my own story and continue to walk confidently into the direction of my assignment, I have found such joy. By investing intentional quality time including a plan and a strategy into my company, I am now witnessing the fruition of my goals beginning to align with my dreams and purpose.

I am now building something that is a reflection of my deep rooted ambition and abilities. This joy is the fuel that keeps me going, even when I am faced with challenges that seem overwhelming.

The unique set of talents and gifts that we are each born with, help to form the blueprint of our individuality. By understanding who we are, you will be able to tread a path that aligns with your true self.

Of course, crafting my own story hasn’t been without its setbacks. There have been moments of doubt and challenges that made me question my decision to follow my own path. It has been during these times of uncertainty that my resilience had to kick it up a notch. I had to find a way to encourage myself to keep going and so far that is working great. I had to become my biggest cheerleader and search within for my own applause just in case it never comes from anyone else.

Handcrafting My Narrative

Handcrafting my own narrative means, thinking outside the box and taking inspiration from what I’ve learned so far from my story, and infusing it into my new passion and next phase of my journey. There is power in coloring outside the lines. By walking in my own authenticity, I become my own blueprint.

Winning is in My DNA

In a world where conforming can often cancel out individuality, I choose to be the blueprint instead of a carbon copy.  By embracing my authenticity and resilience, I am creating a story that aligns with my winning DNA. Every triumph, and every lesson, obstacle, and setback, have all contributed to a winning story of new self-discovery.  Are you ready to be the author of your own winning story? I invite you to join me on this quest of redefining purpose and being innovative and unapologetically original.


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