Navigating The New You: Embracing Self-Discovery in the Single Empty Nester Phase
What does it feel like to be in a fulfilling marriage with the right spouse where together you are a power couple? My simple answer is, “I have no idea, but my hope is that one day I will experience the fullness of it.” I am not one who has had the life of a two-income household. What I have experienced these last 22 years, is me being the head of my one-income household. The journey that led me to where I am today, was met with a mix of emotions.
Half of my life thus far has involved me making all of the decisions and trusting my own instincts. My days were filled with hatching plans that included making some type of decision unaware of the ending results. There are so many risks involved when you have to become the master of figuring it out and making it work. The single parent journey was not my first choice when it came to raising my son. I had a whole different vision of what my life would entail, but the end result was me navigating uncertainty in the midst of doing life alone.
The various phases of single parenthood involved me raising a toddler, preschooler, young boy, preteen, teenager, and now young adult. Throughout all of my son’s various life stages, I had to adjust accordingly. And now the newest era of him maturing and having his own job, home, car, etc., has forced me to grow in ways I never knew existed. I currently have found myself in the midst of being a single Empty Nester. It’s new, it’s different, it’s eye-opening, it’s refreshing.
In this new season of my life, I have a current 9 to 5 career that takes me from place to place, so I am constantly on the go. Home has become a place that has weekend visitation of my presence. I basically go back home to sleep, wash clothes, and watch an occasional movie on one of my streaming services. But honestly, I could do even that on the go. This whole new phase has me rethinking every part of my life. My focus right now is balance, and happiness. I’m still working out all the kinks and re-discovering this new version of me.
This new version of me has new preset boundaries which make me proud to be where I am in life. I am open and honest with myself about what I want. My dreams and desires make so much sense to me now, and I have a redefined definition of my purpose. I have been able to unlock the inner parts of me that needed to be readdressed and met with open arms.
This new season of my life requires a new navigation method. New seasons should always be embraced, just like a new chapter in a book. I have to get ready for all of the twists and turns and new ideas. Although I am sure this new phase of my life will be met with its challenges, I am also fully aware that there will be new amazing opportunities. I get to decide what works best for me in regard to: my career, my business, my residence, relationships, fitness, traveling, and even my food choices.
This new part of my journey is truly exciting. It is also in alignment with the various life phases and pinnacles. This is my pinnacle 3 and I am meeting it head on with intention and gratitude. There are already some life-altering decisions I am having to make and for the first time in my life, I am not afraid. Being that I am now a middle-aged mature lady, my perspective has changed. I am now able to know, understand, and accept that my current status in life all depends on how I approach it.
I am a force to be reckoned with. I am reminded here of one of my poems I wrote, and it is very befitting.
One excerpt says, “She is poised. She is vivacious. She is ready to embrace and conquer life with no limitations. She is courageous. She is trendsetter. She is goal-digger. She is dream-chaser” Alicia N. White.
Enough said! That sums up where I am in my life. Now I see how my book of poetry is being lived out in real-time. I didn’t understand it then, but now I see how it aligns with my purpose. It’s my time to bloom! Bloom Orchid bloom!!
An Orchid’s Time To Bloom: A Collection of Poetry