Bye, Felicia!: Why Moving On Is Your Superpower
You’ve probably heard the saying, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” right? But here’s the twist—while it may be true that overcoming adversity helps us grow, constantly revisiting those same old struggles is like trying to heal a broken bone by re-breaking it. When you keep going back to the things that broke you—whether it’s toxic relationships, self-destructive habits, or limiting beliefs—you’re not giving yourself the chance to fully heal and evolve. You’re stuck in a loop. But when you step forward, leaving the past behind, you unlock a version of yourself you never thought possible: stronger, wiser, and infinitely more badass.
So, let’s break it down. Why is it so important to move forward, and what exactly is waiting for you on the other side of that leap?
History Doesn’t Have to Repeat Itself
We’ve all been there—maybe you’ve gone back to that ex even though your friends staged multiple interventions. Or maybe you’ve restarted that bad habit for the third time because, well, change is hard. The tricky part is that, psychologically, we’re wired to repeat patterns, even toxic ones. It’s familiar. It’s known. And honestly? Sometimes that’s comforting, even when it’s not good for us.
But here’s the tea: history doesn’t have to repeat itself. The moment you realize that you have the power to break those cycles is the moment things start to change. You have the autonomy to choose differently, to write a new story. Yeah, it’s scary to venture into the unknown, but isn’t the possibility of something better worth the risk?
When you stop going back to the things that broke you, you shatter the narrative that you’re stuck. You’re not stuck. You’re capable of more than you’ve ever given yourself credit for. Moving forward allows you to break free from the “been there, done that” cycles and opens the door to a future that doesn’t have to be a repeat of the past.
Stop Watering Dead Plants
Imagine you’re trying to grow a garden. You’ve got all these beautiful new seeds, but instead of nurturing them, you keep watering that one dead plant in the corner. No matter how much love, time, or effort you put into it, it’s never going to bloom again. That’s what it’s like when you keep revisiting situations that broke you.
Maybe it’s a job that drained you but “paid the bills,” or a friendship that felt one-sided, but “you’ve known them forever.” Staying in these broken dynamics is like expecting a wilted flower to magically come back to life. Spoiler alert: it won’t.
Moving forward means you stop pouring your energy into things that no longer serve you. It means focusing on what’s thriving in your life or planting new seeds. When you do, you’ll notice how things start to bloom in unexpected ways. You’ll have more energy to focus on relationships, opportunities, and experiences that fill your cup instead of depleting it.
Growth Happens Outside the Comfort Zone
Let’s get real—growth can be uncomfortable. That’s why so many people end up stuck in situations that broke them. At least they know the pain, right? But here’s the thing: all the best stuff, the game-changing growth, the glow-up, happens when you push past that comfort zone.
You can’t become a stronger version of yourself while staying in the same space that weakened you in the first place. You’ve got to stretch, reach, and challenge yourself. Whether it’s finally cutting ties with that toxic ex, quitting that soul-crushing job, or letting go of your self-doubt, each step forward takes you out of the comfort zone and into a space where you can truly grow.
It’s like the butterfly that has to struggle to get out of the cocoon. That struggle is what strengthens its wings. Without it, the butterfly wouldn’t be able to fly. So, when you feel that discomfort of change, remind yourself that it’s not a bad thing. It’s a sign that you’re’re growing.
New Opportunities Come with New Mindsets
When you stop going back to the things that broke you, something magical happens. New opportunities start popping up left and right. Why? Because you’ve made space for them. As long as you’re holding on to the past, you’re blocking the future.
Think of it like cleaning out your closet. If you keep holding onto clothes that no longer fit, your wardrobe is cluttered. But when you finally donate that old stuff, you make room for fabulous new outfits. It’s the same with your life. When you let go of broken relationships, old fears, and limiting beliefs, you create space for new friendships, careers, passions, and experiences.
The cool thing about moving forward is that it doesn’t just change your circumstances, it changes you. You start to see yourself in a new light. You’re no longer the person who puts up with less than you deserve. You’re someone who knows their worth, who knows that the best is yet to come.
You Deserve More and Better
At the end of the day, the reason you shouldn’t go back to the things that broke you is simple: you deserve better. You deserve more. Full stop.
When you move forward, you’re telling yourself—and the world—that you are worthy of love, success, happiness, and peace. You’re no longer settling for the scraps. Instead, you’re opening yourself up to the feast of life. And trust me, the menu is full of delicious options that you’ve never even tasted before.
The version of you that is unlocked when you move forward is a new, improved, and evolved one. It’s the version of you that knows how to set boundaries, that says “no” when something isn’t aligned, and that leaps toward the future with excitement instead of fear.
Keep Moving Forward
So, here’s your reminder: don’t go back to the things that broke you. It’s tempting to fall into old patterns, but you’ve outgrown them. The past may have shaped you, but it doesn’t have to define you. When you move forward, you’re giving yourself the gift of growth, new opportunities, and a future full of potential.
You’re like a caterpillar who’s ready to become a butterfly, or a phoenix rising from the ashes. Don’t settle for being the version of yourself that was stuck in the mud. Spread your wings, take flight, and see just how high you can soar.
Because moving forward? That’s where your superpower lives.